Heyy you!!

le noireee

We are trying to do something phenomenal and we are super glad you're here! I'm sure you're wondering what Le Noireee is about (or maybe you're not... lol); it would be my pleasure to walk you through our story!

Do you ever get tired of hearing stories about pain, hate, depression, suicide, evil, brokenness? The world is painted with all kinds of ugly; tens of thousands of people, are going through some form of pain or lack; and as much as it breaks your heart, it crushes ours too. 

We as a tribe want to help ease some of the ugly. And to do that, we need you because you're our HERO.


Because hurt people hurt others, Le Noireee hopes to bring healing to people through our art and lifestyle pieces, and we'll need you to help spread tons of your amazing and unique love.

le noireee

Oops! We haven't been formally introduced

Le Noireee is an "AESTHETIC LIFESTYLE BRAND". Lol, scratch that. We are more than a brand. We are a FORCE.

Le Noireee was conceptualized in 2018 and it wasn't my idea, to be honest, it was my bestest friend's. (My name is Comfort by the way, in case you're wondering)

I always wanted to do something creative and fun (I'm quite a sucker for arts), but the soul of Le Noireee was put together by my friend. And I hope you get to see his fingerprint and feel his love in every piece. So it's only fair that I dedicate this FORCE to him - JESUS.

Le Noireee means STRONG LIGHT and represents beauty born out of ashes. Le Noireee is an expression of God's love (or at least I hope it is, LOL). It's hard to capture something so pure, real, and beautiful; but hey, he's here to help!

Why all this hassle?

Our goal is to spread a bunch of JESUS' LOVE! It's that simple. 

To remind a generation of an identity they might have forgotten. To remind our race, that we are ROYALTY, KINGS, and QUEENS!

Each of us as unique as we are, are GOD-BREATHE, BEAUTIFULMYSTERIES powerful enough to impact other lives and change history's course!

With Le Noireee, I hope we all get to see how truly intentional ABBA (lol, I love to call God that) was when he thought of you. LOL, YES YOU! You are not a mistake. You are a LOVE LETTER to humanity, made to be loved by God, and I hope you know that, cause I do, and all the heavens do too.

How can we pull this off?

I thought you'd never ask! This is where you come in. By creating pieces kissed by heaven, with Jesus' help of course. We hope to bring healing through each piece while reminding all of humanity of how BEAUTIFUL and TALENTED we are, and how much Jesus loves us.

We want everyone to become the BEST VERSION of themselves and fall in love with who God has called them to be. We do this by enabling them to create a lifestyle where they thrive - a place where they are seen, known, and loved. So they can enjoy God's best

We have a heart for the youth and we'd love to empower them with amazing life-giving content! We also hope to reach out to the less privileged with part of our profits. And don't worry, we'll keep you updated about the GLOBAL IMPACT YOU MAKE with every purchase you buy.

We hope you get to EXPERIENCE GOD for yourself and to be submerged in the beauty of his love in his sweet embrace! God is very misunderstood and I hope people get to give him a chance because he's EVERYTHING!

So yeah! we aren't just a brand. We are a FORCE - Lol, kingdom shifters, a new people pulling heaven to earth.

And we'd love to have you on board.

So.... What'd you say?